Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Give it to me

Give it to me
Anyhow, anyway, strong, black or brown
Just give it to me right now!

I need to do it
I crave the way it feels
Rushing through me, in me

So, who's gonna do it, drive me, ride me
Till i'm tired and can't do it any more?
Who's gonna call me on
My Blackberry, PC or phone?

Who's gonna demand more
Insist that i do it this way or that?
Go further than anyone else
Turn me into an unfeeling performing machine?

Who's gonna pull me and push me
This way and that

Who's gonna bend me over backward
And keep at it till I'm spent, worn out, exhausted?

Just give it to me
Anyway, anyhow, strong, black or brown
Give me that potent brew
of exquisite, hot coffee!


Unknown said...

And one cold shower later I have found a cause or maybe a cause found me. I am now going to sit up all night reading an commenting on this blog

Unknown said...

Whatever brand of coffee you're drinking...I'll have a cuppa...

Ogle said...

would like to learn what critically differentiates a woman from a female. Any ideas?

A woman,has a mind of her own.

A female is one without a mind of her own.

Anonymous said...

wow..so descriptive!were u ovulating at this time dear?(rhetorical question)..cos u caught me at this time and my mind's gone wild.!

Unknown said...

When did coffee start riding or driving people? or pull, push and bend over backward?
That coffee must be real expensive, and you better not ignore this comment