Saturday, November 03, 2012

On Dreams

This is another twitter summary from @subomiplumptre, using the hashtag #ShoSpeaks.

If you find yourself pregnant with dreams, the following may happen:

Your dreams may be born healthy; they may be stillborn or they may be defective.

Your dreams may be born but the dreamer may die; both the dream and the dreamer may die.

It behoves you to do whatever you can to carry your dreams to full term and to ensure you're alive to enjoy them.

Giving birth to a dream is not enough. You must develop it to maturity.

Every dream has an expiration date. For a dream cannot remain a dream forever.

I am tempted to think that if one does not delve into the realm of the controversial, one has not begun to dream or attain innovation.

You must get uncomfortable in a place that's too predictable or calm. It means there's nothing exceptional going on.

A strong sense of self means you can conceptualise incredible things. But pride stifles new ideas, especially collaborative ideas of geometric proportion.

Cross functional teams generate well-rounded ideas.

Perhaps you should forgo idea sessions, if there's no designated executor in your midst. Dreams are good. Execution much better.

You must execute ideas with a strong sense of certainty and boldness. You'll make mistakes, yes. But you'll learn.

And when you choose to bounce ideas off another, choose someone smarter than you. One completely trustworthy and discreet.

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